The ONLY Clinically Tested Hangover Pill

We pride ourselves on the fact that Good Morning is the ONLY hangover pill on the market that has been clinically tested, on-humans, in an independent study, that is peer reviewed and published.

View study on National Institute of Health

Trust the ONLY hangover pill to be fully tested

Good Morning

Morning Recovery

All Other Products

Why it matters

Grant funded research

Ensures credibility, financial backing.

IRB Approved

Protects participant safety and ethics.

Double blind, Placebo controlled

Eliminates bias, ensures objectivity.

Independent, Randomized

Enhances validity, reduces confounding.

Cross-over clinical trial

Increases reliability, reduces variability.


Validates quality, expert scrutiny.

Published in Medical Journals

Widens credibility, professional dissemination.

Pharmacy Level Grade Clinical Research

High standard, rigorous testing.


The Background

In 2019, the University of the Pacific led a clinical trial with the innovative Clinical and Outcomes Research (iCOR) lab at the Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

Pharmacy Level Grade Clinical Research

The Study

Nine participants completed the study. AHS scores increased from baseline to 7 AM by 4.11 ± 3.17 and 1.26 ± 2.29 for the placebo and active arms respectively (P = .16). AHS headache scores increased from baseline to 7 AM by 2.44 ± 1.67 and 1.11 ± 1.17 for the placebo and active arms respectively (P = .06). AHSS scores increased from baseline to 7 AM by 1.0 ± 1.05 and 0.41 ± 1.08, for the placebo and active arms respectively (P = .30). There was no significant difference between average BrAC at 7 AM between the placebo and active arms.

Randomized, double-blind, Placebo controlled

The Method

This was a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover pilot study. Healthy volunteers of 21- to 40-year-olds were eligible for participation and received either the actual product or a placebo on two different occasions.

Participants were given 43 mL of whiskey every twenty minutes for up to 3 hours to achieve a blood alcohol concentration (BrAC) ≥ 0.12%. Hangover severity was assessed using the Acute Hangover Scale (AHS) and Acute Hangover Severity Scale (AHSS) validated tools.

Chart showing the positive prevention of hangovers

Proven effectiveness

The Results

The Hangover Secret (our old company name) showed “positive signals in the prevention of alcohol-induced hangover, especially headaches” 

The improvements that participants say, surpassed the minimum clinically significant difference in overall AHS score and three individual AHS symptoms scores (hangover, headache, and thirst).

  • Sheel Patel, PharmD

    "Independent of the validated tools we used, there were visible improvements in participants' symptoms and behavior some mornings after. After being unblinded, we found that most of those mornings were after consuming The Hangover Secret."

  • Der Yu Wang, PharmD

    "We are on to something as this was a well-designed, placebo-controlled clinical trial. We only have supportive care to help with hangovers and I believe this is the product that people are looking for."